Thursday 17 January 2013

What do I do with a layer cake?

Two cut Quilt

Hi, this is Becki and I have been tweeting about my layer cake quilt. The tweeters have asked for it as a blog post so here we go. 
We often get asked what you do with a layer cake? A layer cake is a MODA name for a bundle of 10" pre-cut squares. A MODA bundle contains about 42 squares, easily enough for a single quilt. A Riley Blake bundle has about 24 squares. In this demonstration I am using a Riley Blake bundle called 'Sunny Skies". 

This is a quick 'two cut' quilt. 
Cut you entire stack into two. 
1 section 6" and 1 section 4"

Flip your smaller sections pile upside down 
and then join the pieces back together
 taking from the tops of the piles.

Cut these blocks in half to create your '2nd cut' 

Flip and turn one pile, then taking from the tops again join back together.

Thats it! now lay out your blocks turning them 90 degrees as you go, putting them in any order you like.

Sew your blocks into strips

And sew your strips together. 
Add some sashing or a boarder if you like then quilt or tie. 

Good luck and enjoy. 
Becki x

Moda Layer cakes and Riley Blake bundles available in our shops and on our website Free postage. A FEW sale ones left. Maybe a christmas quilt for next year? 


karen said...

I have seen the finished quilt and it looks lovely, certainly inspired me to have a go

Esselle said...

Great quilt, saw it the shop today.