First up is I'm a Ginger Monkey. Monkey Do (AKA I'm a Ginger Monkey) is a blog of pure quilting enthusiasm. Katy shares her projects and designs with a sense of joy that is dangerously infectious.
This recent quilt is particularly stunning, isn't it?

Katy made it with her own adaptations, starting from a design in Issue 5 of Fat Quarterly.
There are many reasons for making I'm a Ginger Monkey a regular blog read, but over and above the regular posts, there is also a wealth of information in the tutorial section. It contains downloadable instructions for some lovely projects and techniques. The instructions on binding a quilt are among the clearest we've seen, and we're loving the quilt designs as well. The instructions and photography are clear, leaving no questions about how to carry out each step.
Katy also does regular reviews of the latest fabric lines and gadgets. Her posts regularly send us scurrying off to check out the newest arrivals from our suppliers. She visited Quilt Market in the States just last month, and her round-up of booths left us more impatient than ever for next season's fabrics to arrive.
Finally, Katy is part of the team at the modern quilting e-zine, Fat Quarterly. If you haven't heard of FQ, then, do head straight over and download an issue. It's a must-read for quilters wanting to try new ideas and hear about the latest products.
Which blogs to you read regularly? Please do let us know.
Yay and what's even better is she's fab in person too although I hope she doesn't read this and think I've gone soft on her.
I was going to say Lily quilts was my must read blog but Lynne has beaten me to it!! I also like reading lynz of domestic light and magic another fellow uk quilter along with Lynne that I have to say I always stop to read when they come up on my feed!! Camille roskelly's blog gets me a bit swoony too - pardon the pun!!
Can I just say, I used to visit your frome store often but moved away earlier this year and I miss the pure delight it was paying you guys a visit every so often!
Thank you so much for the recommendations Amy! I've saved a few more bookmarks for the feed right there!
And thank you so much for your kind words about the shop. :-)
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