Changing the subject, I've always been a fan of rain clouds and the idea of rain (but dislike forgetting my umbrella and getting wet, who doesn't) so I've been itching for an excuse to create rain themed pieces, what better reason than a fun window display to make everyone smile. I hope you all enjoy the window and if you haven't seen it in the flesh yet please do pop by. You may be enticed with a craft kit or two: I've packed rain into a bag for you: you can make your very own mini 'make me cloud mobile', 'make me rain plushie' and 'make me rain bunting'. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a bedroom filled with rain!! Or a rain party!! Okay just getting a little over-excited.
The talented Gaynor aka Ginger Girl has also been busy creating rain on a bag! Her beautiful embellish me canvas bag kits are ever popular and contain everything you need to create your own original bag - decorate away. Ginger Girl has created making kits of plushies too - you will find an adorable hedgehog, a friendly owl and pretty birds. All hedgehogs, owls and birds like jumping in puddles too didn't you know........the only thing they are missing is a loving home and a name to be proud of.
Don't forget Millie Moon stores are stocked with a range of felt newly arrived in fact is the wool mix felt on the roll, polyester toy stuffing, an array of embroidery silks and oodles and oodles of buttons perfect for any creative project you have in mind weather it be rain or shine. There is also our pre printed oil cloths and the NEW Lamifix which turns your fabric into oil cloths - perfect for all year round bunting. You really could have a rain party.
If you are buzzing with the creative bug do pop into Millie Moon and show us what projects are keeping you busy, we love to see what everyone is creating or better still join us in one of our workshops. Our classes are ever changing and new exciting skills are always popping up.
Bye for now,